Mission Improbable Podcast Series
Residents, guests and staff enjoy listening to the history of the Little Sisters!
As we celebrate the 150th year of the Little Sisters of the Poor in America, we offered a Mission Improbable podcast series to our Residents, staff and volunteers.Each podcast depicts one of the first thirteen Little Sister Homes in America beginning with Brooklyn, NY in September 1868 and ended with Pittsburgh, PA in April 1872. In less than five years, the Sisters were able, through Providence and the goodness of their benefactors, to erect these Homes for the needy elderly.A small poster board for each Home is on each table and Residents are able to use headsets to listen to the history of those first 13 Homes through a small MP3 player.Our Residents and guests are enthralled with the stories! The podcasts will be available throughout 2019 – our jubilee year!