Nun.Gala 2021
Our annual Gala will be hosted as a Nun.Gala again in 2021! The Sisters decided to err on the side of caution and host our annual event virtually instead of bringing 500 friends/supporters together.
So, let the bidding begin…. The Silent Auction starts Thursday, November 11 and bidding goes through Wednesday, December 1 at 9 p.m. Bidders have a chance to win some amazing items. Click here to check it out!
Buy your raffle tickets now! Three chances to win this year. 1st Prize: 30%; 2nd Prize: 15%; 3rd Prize: 5%. The raffle drawing will be held Saturday, January 1. Chances: $10 each, 3 for $25, 7 for $50. Click here to download tickets.
Please consider making a separate donation for the “Warming the Home” fund – we depend on your generosity and goodness. The money is used to offset the significant heating bills at St. Martin’s Home during the winter months. A link is provided on our website for easy giving. Click here to donate to the “Warming the Home” fund.
Nun.Gala 2021