Christian Poindexter started his search for an Eagle Scout Project by speaking with his pastor, Msgr. Jay O’Connor at Our Lady of the Fields, Millersville. Christian heard Sister Lawrence Mary talk about the work of the Little Sisters and envisioned his project at St. Martin’s Home. Spanning 10 months and 370 man hours, an ADA gazebo is now located amidst the Stations of the Cross. The restful, shady outdoor area for quiet contemplation and prayer is available for the Sisters, Residents and visitors to St. Martin’s Home. Thanks to Christian, his family, friends and fellow scouts for making this project come to life. Special thanks to members of Our Lady of the Fields who supported Christian’s fundraising efforts by raising over $5,000 towards the project. A scout for 11 years, Christian earns his Eagle Rank in July 2014.
Jacob Poindexter, Christian’s cousin and a scout since 5th grade, also completed his Eagle Scout project at St. Martin’s Home. Heading to Rhode Island School of Design in the fall, Jacob built movable planting tables for the Residents and visitors to enjoy. Presently located outside the cottage solariums, the flowers also provide therapeutic gardening.
A recent graduate of Loyola Blakefield High School, Tim Larkin was searching for a place to share his talents and complete his scouting project. Tim said scouting and his deep faith made him the man he is today, and St. Martin’s Home was a perfect fit for his idea. Tim built the benches located at the entrance to the Home that are perfect for visiting, praying and meditating. In addition, Tim planted evergreens and dogwood trees to beautify the landscape.
Christian, Jacob and Tim said they were spoiled by the hospitality of the Sisters and the encouraging advice of the many Residents who stopped to view the progress! The Little Sisters and Residents thank Christian, Jacob and Tim – their efforts will be enjoyed for years!