With 836 registered runners, walkers and Virtual Runners, our inaugural Nun Run was a huge success! We had a few raindrops which, fortunately, ended very quickly! Congratulations to the 5K Male and Female Overall Winners: (1) Brendan O’Kane, (2) Matthew Kondilas, (3) Philip Porter; (1) Cailtin Keefe, (2) Hannah Decker, (3) Laura Wagner Thibodeaux.
We received many positive comments about the run and deeply appreciate the support for the Little Sisters and Residents of St. Martin’s Home. In addition to meeting many new friends, it was fun to witness the friendly competition between the parishes and schools! St. John the Evangelist Parish and School took both the Parish Pride award and the coveted Flying Nun trophy. The trophy will travel to the winning school with the most registered runners next year – let the competition begin for 2015! See below for a survey and link to our Nun Run slideshow and watch for the 2015 date.