Elaine Musthaler, AJJ talked to Residents about some of their memorable summer moments as youngsters…
Mary remembers playing baseball on an empty lot and she was in the outfield. She was running to catch a ball hurling through space and didn’t see another very large boy running to catch the same ball. They collided and she broke her fourth clavicle. That’s when she found out what a fourth clavicle was. She was taken to the hospital in a WAGON! I wonder if her team won the game.
Grace said that nothing interesting happened in her life during summer vacation because she had to work in her parents store all the time. She said that it was a shoe store. Upon reflection, she did say that she saw all the new shoes as they came in and that she could have any that she wanted.
As a person that never owned more than 1-1/2 pairs of shoes, I thought that was pretty wonderful.
Evelyn said that she mostly worked all the time on their farm and life wasn’t pretty much “business as usual”, but that changed one day when the school burned down. Everyone went to watch and Evelyn and the other kids were thrilled. They figured there would be no school. However, the gym was unharmed and school went on as usual in there for the next three years.
Sally remembers taking a ferry to Tolchester Beach, on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Kent County, Maryland. Her brothers always ran up the hill ahead of everyone and secured a good picnic table. She remembers that, “it sure was fun”.
Memories of Summers Past